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Team Elmer’s

Recognizing the opportunity for digital transformation, leaders at Team Elmer’s engaged SPARK for strategic software design and development services. Team Elmer’s now leverages a dedicated SPARK team to plan, develop, and launch their custom mobile and web solutions used across the company for field data management.
Team Elmer's custom software
Project Breakdown

Up North Construction Leader Partners with SPARK for Digitization

The Challenge

Team Elmer’s had a vision of bringing thousands of daily data entries from their crews into a mobile field app that centralized data for easy reporting and better efficiency. 

Taking a phased approach, Team Elmer’s and SPARK identified opportunities to improve their daily time entry, production reporting, and job data collection. This initial solution also needed system integrations to streamline data entry across their existing back-office software.

Team Elmer's custom manager dashboard
Project size
  • Large
  • Custom UI/UX Design
  • Software Development
  • 1+ Years
Size of Team
  • 1 PM, 1 UX Designer
  • 1 Systems Analyst
  • 3 Developer
  • Eliminated thousands of paper forms each month

  • Increased field and administrative efficiency

The Solution

SPARK’s product manager, lead developer, and UX design team worked closely with Team Elmer’s managers and executives to plan the initial scope that could be adopted incrementally across their multiple divisions.

With scalability in mind, SPARK built a robust time entry application that seamlessly integrates with Team Elmer’s HR software, Payroll software, and ELD software.

Managers now use a web interface to quickly review and approve employee timesheets. Payroll can sync employee timesheets with Spectrum (accounting system) with a click of a button.

Team Elmer’s loves the quick access to production reports, while their employees continue to adopt the new mobile timekeeping app with positive reviews!

Team Elmer's prep maintenance
Services provided
Technology used
Client Review
Deploying new technology is always a challenge, but we built the Time App with our users in mind. So far the feedback has been exactly what we wanted – "this is easy". Success!!
Team Elmer's
Patti Carruth

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